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20th of October, 2007

I'm not entirely pleased how this one turned out (joke-wise). I'd originally slated the next comic for episode 10, until I realised that the gardener has gotten little to no introduction and his next appearances in the story-line seemed awkward. They still do, to some extent, but he's received an introduction. Besides, I spent a long time working on that bookcase and painting (and they turned out damn well, I must say) to make up for it. =P

Speaking of "story-line""... Yes, I'm turning away from the gag-themed earlier episodes for the sake of a longer, connected plot, after which I will do a few more gags before starting a second story-line. It's not always as funny as the gags due to the required advancement of the plot, but it does make things easier to plan in advance. As it stands right now, I have the ending of this plot line pretty much finished in my head. Connecting the beginning and the end with a yet non-existent middle is the hard part.


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Besides, I know where you live; I know where your dog lives!