Art by others

  An awesome secret santa from MVMarcz depicting a pinup of a seductive Letitia. Anothe secret santa from Tim Volpe showing how Ted and Nikki managed to get away from the Phantom Armor after Episode 21.      

Art by me

  A little picture of myself, decked out in anti-zombie gear. T-Shirt design for my Fencing Club while I was in Virginia. An editorial cartoon I drew in response to the midterm elections '06. Me as the maniacal Kaiser Williams, my LiveJournal alter-ego.  
  The first in a series of three comics on the Prisoner's Dilemma. Watermarked, because a lot of effort went into them, and I'm not keen on someon using them without permission and/or payment. Email me if you're interested in the real version. Part two in the series on the Prisoner's Dilemma. Part three in the series on the Prisoner's Dilemma.    


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All content (unless specified otherwise) is © 2006 - 2007 by Kevin Williams. Please don't steal.
Besides, I know where you live; I know where your dog lives!