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5th of November, 2007

It's Guy Fawkes Night! Unfortunately for Finn, this entails burning effigies of Guy Fawkes, a catholic who attempted to blow up Parliament on the 5th of November 1605, a tradition Grandpa Scabfield upholds.

Finn's Halloween costume was V from V for Vendetta, who in turn is costumed as Guy Fawkes, putting Finn in a rather hot predicament.

To those that care, this is not a regular episode, and will eventually be purged from the archives. Since this is the first time a holiday that I wanted to put out a comic on has coincided with a regular update, it put me in a bit of a predicament. Should I put out both the regular and holiday episodes on the same day? Should I change my schedule to accomodate or just move the regular episode to tomorrow? In the end, I decided to postpone the regular episode to next week (in part because I'm lazy and it buys me more time). You are getting an episode afterall, so its not too bad. The next time something like this happens, I'll do the same, while holiday updates that don't conflict with regular updates will have no impact on the regular schedule.


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All content (unless specified otherwise) is © 2006 - 2007 by Kevin Williams. Please don't steal.
Besides, I know where you live; I know where your dog lives!