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25th of November, 2007

Big update! The site's been given a major overhaul and it now looks almost exactly as I envisioned it. This means that the all pages except for the Thanks and Contact page are pretty much in their final states. Those two will be done relatively soon (about a week), as they aren't overly complicated and I won't need the help of Robin Henkys (without who's help this site wouldn't have been possible).

For those interested, here's a quick to-do list of what still needs doing:

- Finish Thanks page

- Finish Contact page

- Add references to the setting of the comic in the About page

- Banners

- Fix CG Newsbox so that it looks good with the rest of the Main page


Scabfields is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

All content (unless specified otherwise) is © 2006 - 2007 by Kevin Williams. Please don't steal.
Besides, I know where you live; I know where your dog lives!